Benefits And Risks Of Advances In Dental Care

Dentistry has advanced dramatically in the last few decades. Now, you can consult dentists from the comfort of your home. And when you do visit them, they use better implants, crowns, and bridges. The veneers, fillers, and bonding agents are also more advanced, as are the digital x-rays and anesthetic drugs. However, these advances have their risks as well. To know more about this risk you can search more site over the net and visit their contact page like

Benefits of Advances in Dental Care

Remote Dentistry

Dental services are now available via the internet or video link. Just upload photos of your teeth or take a video of them. A dentist then uses the information to diagnose your condition and to recommend a way forward.

Enhanced Filling and Bonding Agents

Modern bonding and filling agents last longer. Likewise, veneers are stronger than before and, therefore, no longer chip. And best of all, these composites come in natural tooth color, making a repaired tooth indistinguishable from the rest.

Digital X-Rays

Unlike their traditional counterparts, modern dental x-rays are fast, efficient, and pose a lesser risk of radiation. Their secret is an electronic or phosphorus sensor, which scans the jaw and then immediately displays the image on a computer screen.

Computer-Designed Implants, Crowns, and Bridges

Dentists design implants, crowns, and bridges using computers. This way, they create a better end product, which lasts 15-years longer and has a 95 percent success rate.

Risks of Advances in Dental Care


Thanks to the internet, medical advice is now at a patient’s fingertips. Many look to it for answers before visiting a dentist. Unfortunately, some opt to self-medicate instead. As a result, they sometimes misdiagnose their condition, leading to dental complications.


Although digital x-rays expose patients to 90 percent less radiation, even this little radiation poses a health risk. For this reason, dentists use a neck shield to protect the thyroid gland. Despite their best efforts, some radiation gets through and, after repeated exposure, can cause thyroid cancer.

Heart Attack

Dental anesthesia numbs the pain, reducing the discomfort felt during dental procedures. But since it often contains epinephrine, it can raise the blood pressure in hypertensive patients. This puts them at risk of a cardiac arrest, chest pain, or an irregular heartbeat.


Advances in dental care have made dentistry safer, faster, and more efficient. But like with every invention, each of these advances comes with its risks. Fortunately, the benefits far outweigh the risks. You can also visit Radiant Smiles’ dental clinic located in Bundoora, VIC if you need immediate attention.

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